
Social Committee

It is the function of this committee to arrange and conduct all social and recreational activities for the Local either on the committees own initiative or as the result of decisions taken at membership meetings.

Negotiation/Bargaining Committee 2019-2021

Lindsay Mitchell(president), Trisha Blakely & Mandy Turpin

Wellness Committee

This committee recognizes events in member’s lives (marriages, births, deaths etc) Please contact members of this committee if you aware of such events and feel the committee should send acknowledgements on behalf of the local.

Education Committee

The committee will arrange representation of the Local at any appropriate seminars or conferences by submitting to the executives. Preparation will be made for all delegates in order to maintain proper reports from seminars and conferences to be kept on file for reference.

Stewards Council

Monthly meetings are held to process grievances not settled at the initial stage. The committee shall comprise the Chief Steward and Stewards. Reports are to be submitted to the executive board and then brought to a membership meetings. All grievances are handled with full confidentiality and at the discretion of the griever.

2021-2024 Stewards

Tom Delong

Trisha Blakely

Tom Joy

Manpreet Kaur

Tim Vestervelt